2,799 research outputs found

    Competencias lectoras : estudio de caso de un instituto, bajo la metodología de investigación descriptiva

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    El presente documento muestra las reflexiones de una investigación que en principio ha buscado comprender la forma, cómo los estudiantes valoran sus competencias lectoras en el ámbito de la educación secundaria. Los resultados fueron obtenidos por medio de la metodología de tipo descriptiva a partir del método de estudio de casos. En el desarrollo de este artículo se podrán observar diferentes respuestas que apuntan a la percepción que tienen los estudiantes frente a sus competencias lectoras, y las herramientas que poseen para el desarrollo de este, así como observar cuáles son los elementos que requieren mayor apoyo. Ante esto, la problemática actual, nace de la preocupación que se presenta con respecto a la falta de interés por la lectura. Esta investigación tiene desarrollo en el municipio de Armenia (Quindío), cuyo objetivo general se ha enfocado a las problemáticas que se aquejan en la enseñanza del español y que ameritan ser estudiadas. Pero, principalmente, en un acercamiento a la realidad "lectora", el conocer elementos personales que nos permitan comprender qué se da y qué hace falta para ser un lector competente en clase. Para lograr alcanzar los objetivos, fue necesario adaptar y aplicar un instrumento que permitiera observar y valorar la percepción que tienen los estudiantes con respecto a sus competencias lectoras. Lo que se resalta de este cuestionario es su enfoque cualitativo, poco o nada parecido a las pruebas estandarizadas de medición actual. Ya que la subjetividad y los argumentos dados por los encuestados arrojan resultados que son importantes de analizar y llevar a la prácticaThis document shows the reflexion made out of the research which at first has sought to comprehend how students value their reading skills in high school. The results were obtained using descriptive type methodology starting from the case study. Through the development of this academic article, different answers can be observed pointing at the perceptions students have towards their reading skills and the tools they have for its development as well as identifying which elements will require more support. Given this, the current problematic emerges from the concern that arises in respect to the lack of interest in reading. This research is being done in the municipality of Armenia (Quindío), grounded on the Spanish teaching problematic which has to be study and resolved and mainly to have a close approach to the reading actuality through the knowledge of those particular issues which will allow us to understand what does it take to be a competent reader in class. To achieve the given objectives, it was necessary to adapt and apply an instrument to allow us observe and value student's perceptions towards reading skills. What can be highlighted from this questionnaire is its qualitative approach which seems little or none like the standardized measurement current tests since subjectivity and arguments given by the polled, show results important to be analized and put into practic

    Optimización de procesos industriales con técnicas de Minería de Datos: mantenimiento de aerogeneradores y fabricación con tecnologías láser

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    En este trabajo se emplean técnicas de Minería de Datos para mejorar la eficiencia de dos procesos industriales: el diagnóstico de fallos en aerogeneradores y la fabricación de piezas metálicas de geometría compleja mediante tecnologías láser. Se mejora la validación experimental de estudios anteriores, en los que no se usó validación cruzada ni se tuvieron en cuenta algunas particularidades de los problemas analizados. Para el diagnóstico de fallos en aerogeneradores, se identifica la técnica de clasificación más adecuada para relacionar medidas de vibraciones con el tipo de fallo. Además, se define la métrica más adecuada para evaluar su precisión. Para la fabricación de piezas metálicas de geometría compleja, se estima la técnica de clasificación más adecuada para predecir la calidad superficial obtenida con pulido superficial láser, así como la técnica de regresión para predecir los errores en los distintos requerimientos geométricos de piezas obtenidas mediante microfresado 3D láser.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, proyecto TIN-2011-24046

    Diseño de un módulo de contabilidad básica con enfoque andragógico para la modalidad semipresencial de la UPSE

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    PDFActualmente la actividad curricular universitaria y de aprendizaje de la Ciencia Contable, en la Modalidad Semipresencial, Carrera de Administración Pública de la Universidad Península de Santa Elena requiere complementar dichos procesos con una perspectiva andragógica para el logro de sus objetivos y el cumplimiento de su misión y visión institucionales. La valía de la investigación radica en la imperiosa necesidad de fortalecer y brindar similares oportunidades de superación, a personas con conocimientos heterogéneos y diferentes edades que emprenden un reto de preparación académico-científico-profesional en aulas universitarias. La Labor investigativa estriba en los temas y bibliografía del marco teórico, constituido principalmente por: educación y sus paradigmas, teorías de aprendizaje, andragogía con su enfoque y características, modalidad semipresencial; y, lo relevante de la Contabilidad pues su estructura y conceptos no ha variado, no obstante, los procesos de tributación sí. Está enmarcada en la modalidad de proyecto factible y exploratoria, resultante del diálogo y encuestas a Directivo, Docentes y fundamentalmente a los/las estudiantes, parte activa del proceso de inter-aprendizaje. El producto de la investigación, concluye y recomienda la elaboración, actualización y aplicación de un Módulo de Contabilidad Básica con enfoque andragógico, que incluya lo inherente a tributación y funcionalidades del Sistema de Gestión Financiera en la web, en la Modalidad, Carrera y Universidad investigada, pues se halló indicios que los procesos de aprendizaje continúan aún normados por clases magistrales pues no son muchos los/las docentes que hacen uso de los tips, herramientas, métodos, técnicas y estrategias participativas y de horizontalidad, postulados de la andragogía, siendo urgente, que el hedegogo, mediador o tutor, relacione el aprendizaje en forma funcional con la experiencia de los estudiantes y que procure sea menos artificial. Así, se beneficiará a la comunidad estudiantil y docentes, propiciando el mejoramiento académico y el nivel de asimilación de conocimientos de la Contadología.At the moment the activity curricular university student and of learning of the Countable Science, in the Modalidad Semipresencial, Career of Public Administration of the Universidad Península of Santa Elena requires to supplement this processes with a perspective andragógica for the achievement of its objectives and the execution of its mission and institutional vision. It was worth it of the investigation it resides in the imperious necessity of to strengthen and to offer similar superación opportunities, to people with knowledge heterogeneous and different ages that undertake a challenge of academic-scientific-professional preparation in university classrooms. The investigative Work rests in the topics and bibliography of the theoretical mark, constituted mainly for: education and their paradigms, learning theories, andragogía with their focus and characteristic, modality semipresencial; and, the excellent of the since Accounting their structure and concepts have not varied, nevertheless, the processes of tribute yes. It is framed in the feasible and exploratory project modality, resultant of the dialogue and surveys to Directive, Educational and fundamentally to los/las students, it leaves active of the inter-learning process. The product of the investigation, concludes and it recommends the elaboration, bring up to date and application of a Module of Basic Accounting with focus andragógico that includes the inherent thing to tribute and functionalities of the System of Financial Administration in the web, in the Modality, Career and investigated University, because he/she was indications that the learning processes still continue normados for masterful classes because they are not many educational los/las that make use of the tips, tools, methods, technical and strategies participativas and of horizontalidad, postulates of the andragogía, being urgent that the hedegogo, mediator or tutor, relate the learning in functional form with the experience of the students and that it offers it is less artificial. This way, he/she will benefit to the student and educational community, propitiating the academic improvement and the level of assimilation of knowledge of the Contadología

    Influence of irrigation conditions in the germination of plasma treated Nasturtium seeds

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    Plasma treatments had emerged as a useful technique to improve seed germination. In this work we investigate the influence of different irrigation conditions and plasma treatments on the germination of nasturtium seeds. During plasma treatment, seeds experience a progressive weight loss as a function of treatment time that has been associated to water release, a process that is more pronounced after longer plasma treatment times. Seeds treated for short times (<30 s) are able to germinate more efficiently than untreated specimen under hydric stress (drought conditions), while plasma treatments for longer times (up to 300 s) impaired germination independently on irrigation conditions. Characterization analysis of plasma treated seeds by FTIR-ATR, SEM/EDX and XPS showed that plasma treatment affected the chemical state of pericarp while, simultaneously, induced a considerable increase in the seeds water uptake capacity. The decrease in germination efficiency found after plasma treatment for long times, or for short times under optimum irrigation conditions, has been attributed to that the excess of water accumulated in the pericarp hampers the diffusion up to the embryo of other agents like oxygen which are deemed essential for germination.España FEDER y MINECO MINECO (projects MAT2013-40852-R, MAT2016-79866-R, MINECOCSIC 201560E055)España, RECUPERA 2020 y Junta de Andalucía project P12-2265 M

    Omega 3 fatty acids induce a marked reduction of apolipoprotein B48 when added to fluvastatin in patients with type 2 diabetes and mixed hyperlipidemia: a preliminary report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Backgorund</p> <p>Mixed hyperlipidemia is common in patients with diabetes. Statins, the choice drugs, are effective at reducing lipoproteins that contain apolipoprotein B100, but they fail to exert good control over intestinal lipoproteins, which have an atherogenic potential. We describe the effect of prescription omega 3 fatty acids on the intestinal lipoproteins in patients with type 2 diabetes who were already receiving fluvastatin 80 mg per day.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with type 2 diabetes and mixed hyperlipidemia were recruited. Fasting lipid profile was taken when patients were treated with diet, diet plus 80 mg of fluvastatin and diet plus fluvastatin 80 mg and 4 g of prescription omega 3 fatty acids. The intestinal lipoproteins were quantified by the fasting concentration of apolipoprotein B48 using a commercial ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The addition of 4 g of prescription omega 3 was followed by significant reductions in the levels of triglycerides, VLDL triglycerides and the triglyceride/HDL cholesterol ratio, and an increase in HDL cholesterol (P < 0.05). Fluvastatin induced a reduction of 26% in B100 (P < 0.05) and 14% in B48 (NS). However, the addition of omega 3 fatty acids enhanced this reduction to 32% in B100 (NS) and up to 36% in B48 (P < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our preliminary findings therefore suggest an additional benefit on postprandial atherogenic particles when omega 3 fatty acids are added to standard treatment with fluvastatin.</p

    Modelling laser milling of microcavities for the manufacturing of DES with ensembles

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    A set of designed experiments, involving the use of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser system milling 316L Stainless Steel, serve to study the laser-milling process of microcavities in the manufacture of drug-eluting stents (DES). Diameter, depth, and volume error are considered to be optimized as functions of the process parameters, which include laser intensity, pulse frequency, and scanning speed. Two different DES shapes are studied that combine semispheres and cylinders. Process inputs and outputs are defined by considering the process parameters that can be changed under industrial conditions and the industrial requirements of this manufacturing process. In total, 162 different conditions are tested in a process that is modeled with the following state-of-the-art data-mining regression techniques: Support Vector Regression, Ensembles, Artificial Neural Networks, Linear Regression, and Nearest Neighbor Regression. Ensemble regression emerged as the most suitable technique for studying this industrial problem. Specifically, Iterated Bagging ensembles with unpruned model trees outperformed the other methods in the tests. This method can predict the geometrical dimensions of the machined microcavities with relative errors related to the main average value in the range of 3 to 23%, which are considered very accurate predictions, in view of the characteristics of this innovative industrial task.This work was partially funded through Grants fromthe IREBID Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES- 247476) of the European Commission and Projects TIN2011- 24046 and TECNIPLAD (DPI2009-09852) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    Fractionation and fluxes of metals and radionuclides during the recycling process of phosphogypsum wastes applied to mineral CO2 sequestration

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    The industry of phosphoric acid produces a calcium-rich by-product known as phosphogypsum, which is usually stored in large stacks of millions of tons. Up to now, no commercial application has been widely implemented for its reuse because of the significant presence of potentially toxic contaminants. This work confirmed that up to 96% of the calcium of phosphogypsum could be recycled for CO2 mineral sequestration by a simple two-step process: alkaline dissolution and aqueous carbonation, under ambient pressure and temperature. This CO2 sequestration process based on recycling phosphogypsum wastes would help to mitigate greenhouse gasses emissions. Yet this work goes beyond the validation of the sequestration procedure; it tracks the contaminants, such as trace metals or radionuclides, during the recycling process in the phosphogypsum. Thus, most of the contaminants were transferred from raw phosphogypsum to portlandite, obtained by dissolution of the phosphogypsum in soda, and from portlandite to calcite during aqueous carbonation. These findings provide valuable information for managing phosphogypsum wastes and designing potential technological applications of the by-products of this environmentally-friendly proposal.Junta de Andalucía P10-RNM-6300, P12- RNM-226

    Interactions between Closely Related Bacterial Strains Are Revealed by Deep Transcriptome Sequencing

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    Comparative genomics, metagenomics, and single-cell technologies have shown that populations of microbial species encompass assemblages of closely related strains. This raises the question of whether individual bacterial lineages respond to the presence of their close relatives by modifying their gene expression or, instead, whether assemblages simply act as the arithmetic addition of their individual components. Here, we took advantage of transcriptome sequencing to address this question. For this, we analyzed the transcriptomes of two closely related strains of the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber grown axenically and in coculture. These organisms dominate bacterial assemblages in hypersaline environments worldwide. The strains used here cooccurred in the natural environment and are 100% identical in their 16S rRNA genes, and each strain harbors an accessory genome representing 10% of its complete genome. Overall, transcriptomic patterns from pure cultures were very similar for both strains. Expression was detected along practically the whole genome albeit with some genes at low levels. A subset of genes was very highly expressed in both strains, including genes coding for the light-driven proton pump xanthorhodopsin, genes involved in the stress response, and genes coding for transcriptional regulators. Expression differences between pure cultures affected mainly genes involved in environmental sensing. When the strains were grown in coculture, there was a modest but significant change in their individual transcription patterns compared to those in pure culture. Each strain sensed the presence of the other and responded in a specific manner, which points to fine intraspecific transcriptomic modulation.The group of J.A. is funded by grant CGL2012-39627-C03-01 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), which is cofinanced with FEDER support from the European Union. P.G.-T. was an FPI-MINECO fellow. Research by the group of T.G. is funded in part by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIO2012-37161), a grant from the Qatar National Research Fund (NPRP 5-298-3-086), and a grant from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC (grant agreement no. ERC-2012-StG-310325). L.P.P. was funded through the La Caixa-CRG international fellowship program

    LyricSIM: A novel Dataset and Benchmark for Similarity Detection in Spanish Song LyricS

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    In this paper, we present a new dataset and benchmark tailored to the task of semantic similarity in song lyrics. Our dataset, originally consisting of 2775 pairs of Spanish songs, was annotated in a collective annotation experiment by 63 native annotators. After collecting and refining the data to ensure a high degree of consensus and data integrity, we obtained 676 high-quality annotated pairs that were used to evaluate the performance of various state-of-the-art monolingual and multilingual language models. Consequently, we established baseline results that we hope will be useful to the community in all future academic and industrial applications conducted in this context.Comment: Accepted to Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Espa\~nola para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2023 (SEPLN2023